As a Kingdom Consultant, you have a pivotal role and how you handle information can have a considerable impact on the security and wellbeing of our GCO partners.
Stewarding information as a KC
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A collection of insightful articles and valuable information tailored for the Switchboard community.
As a Kingdom Consultant, you have a pivotal role and how you handle information can have a considerable impact on the security and wellbeing of our GCO partners.
A look at a real life Great Commission connection.
Why the “Apostle’s Creed”
Using Switchboard in High-risk Contexts
We believe that everyday believers can truly impact the Great Commission
The Apostles’ Creed
Switchboard has something unique to offer for both your congregation and the missionaries your church supports.
We all have a personal network and know who to call when we need help with specific topics.
Switchboard is launching to connect missionaries and the global body of Christ around Great Commission impact.