How does Global Switchboard ensure that all participating users align with Christian values?
All of our organizations and Kingdom Consultants affirm our statement of faith and our respective community agreement forms (one for KCs and one for GCOs) which require Christ-like character and humble collaboration through the Switchboard platform. Read our statement of faith.
Is the platform available in languages other than English?
Although our platform is only available in English, we have Kingdom Consultants from all over the world, and many speak additional languages besides English. If you need a specific language, message concierge@globalswitchboard.io to find a KC who can assist.
How long does it usually take to get matched with a Kingdom Consultant?
For one-hour phone consultations, requests are sent immediately to Kingdom Consultants and a response is usually received within one business day. In some circumstances, the request does not get a response. When this happens, we recommend that you wait several days, and then reach out to support@globalswitchboard.io to see if we can help you better fram the request so that you can get a favorable response.
In the case of virtual roles, we will post the request as soon as it has been reviewed and approved. These request will then be posted on the Switchboard site, and will be included in the recruitment activities of our partners. These requests take longer to fill, since the responding KC will be joining your ministry as a co-laborer.
What happens if a matched Kingdom Consultant is not suitable for my needs?
First, let us know at your earliest convenience. The easiest way to do so is to send a message to concierge@globalswitchboard.io. Our concierge is copied on all of the connections we make via email, so you should always be one click away from our concierge. Second, please don’t hesitate to contact us – if a new relationship is not a fit, we do not want to force the issue.
Does Global Switchboard guarantee I'll find a service opportunity that matches my skill set?
In short, no. Our ability to match you with a missional assignment is directly tied to your ability and your availability. In other words, when you fill out your KC profile, provide a great description of what you do well, and what you care about. Also, let us know when you are available. As requests come in, we will compare your profile with the needs of the field. If there is a match, then you will receive an alert letting you know what opportunities are available. In addition, you can browse the existing virtual roles for something that fits your skill set. In addition, there are several “willing servant” opportunities that do not require a defined skillset or specialized training for you to connect.
Can you help me identify the roles I need help with?
During the registration process, you will see questions to help you assess what roles you may need.
If you’re still not sure you can schedule a conversation with an operator who will walk you through a discovery session to explore where you can find the most help.
Is Switchboard Only for Christian–Faith Individuals and Organizations?
Our Kingdom Consultants must be 18 or older, and sign a statement of Faith and a code of conduct.
Our Great Commission organizations that join the platform must affirm our statement of faith and Great Commission Organization Commitment form. Furthermore, these organizations often join our platform by referral, creating a relational check against bad agents.
Finally, we invite all users, after every connection, to provide secure and private feedback to their conversation partner and to the Switchboard team to help us understand the connections our platform is creating.
What kind of customer support does Switchboard offer?
We guarantee that any support question you have will be reviewed by and responded to by a real human being. Our customer support team is small but mighty! Not only can you reach out to our customer support team from the help menu in our app or our concierge from any of your connection emails, you can also send us a message any time by emailing us at support@globalswitchboard.io.
Is there a fee for using the platform's matching service?
Switchboard is completely free for all Great Commission organizations using our platform.
Is there any financial compensation for providing my expertise?
On Switchboard, the expectation is for the KC to volunteer their expertise and gifting to advance the Kingdom. . We are not a freelance site and do not support paid service providers operating through our platform.
How do I Refer a Friend to Switchboard?
Switchboard is a platform that connects believers globally, so those with needs and those who can help know each other. We match everyday believers to the mission field so that everyone can bring their best and make a Great Commission impact. If you have a friend that you think would benefit, please send them to globalswitchboard.io.