Fuel Great Commission connections
Help to build a platform that connects believers worldwide to the needs of the global church. Invest in the Great CommissionYour gift multiplied
When you give to build the Switchboard platform, your gift is multiplied because of the how valuable the connections are.
How much is an hour worth?
What if you need an hour from an engineer, account, financial planner, marketing expert or business coach?
It’s not uncommon for it to cost $100, $200 or more per hour. This is the value our Kingdom Consultants are making available to the global body of Christ.
For many missionaries, these skills are too expensive, or simply unavailable.
There are two ways to give.
Help build the platform
Partner with us to add advanced features and capabilities to Switchboard. These substantial one-time gifts will be invested in developing the software, as well as adding new skills/products.
These one-time gifts are typically 6k or more.
Help launch the platform
Partner with us to offset the cost of rolling out the software to churches and mission organizations and work with them to connect KC’s to Great Commission needs.
Gifts can be as little as one dollar per month.
Partnering for the Great Commission.
Connect with the Switchboard team and we’ll begin our journey together as partners in Great Commission.
Who we're working with
Switchboard is partnering globally with many organizations and churches.