Make yourself available to the global body of Christ.

Written by stgswitchboard

July 24, 2023

Make yourself available to the global body of Christ.

I want to introduce you to an opportunity to be available for the Great Commission impact.

There are missionaries all over the world who need help but don’t know who to ask. They end up wearing too many hats trying to tackle the challenges life and ministry throw at them.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

God has called the whole body of Christ to the Great Commission. And that includes you and me.

The world has changed. And now, serving in the Great Commission is more accessible than ever before. We have a role to play.

Switchboard is a global platform connecting everyday believers to the mission field so that everyone can bring their best to the Great Commission.

When you create a Kingdom Consultant profile, you’ll share your skills, talents and experience.

And then Great Commission Organizations or Individuals who need that kind of help can reach out to schedule a 1-hour conversation and move the mission forward together.

It’s super simple.

I really encourage you to take a few minutes right now to create your Kingdom Consultant profile.

Imagine being able to serve a local church in Liberia, a missionary family in Chile or a Business as Missions in Thailand. All without getting on a plane or even leaving your house.

You can learn more about the types of connections you can make on Switchboard. As well as follow them on social media.

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Connect for Great Commission impact