How much impact can you make in 30 minutes?

Written by stgswitchboard

May 30, 2023

Church Newsletter Highlight

As believers we are called to the Great Commission, to preach the Gospel to all the nations. For most, we don’t feel called to serve longterm in the mission field and outside of writing a check or boarding an airplane, we are not sure how we can serve the nations.

Missionaries’ primary focus is always the Great Commission but they need help and don’t know who to ask. They end up wearing too many hats trying to tackle the challenges life and ministry throw at them. 

Missionaries need a connection with someone who is available and accessible in order for their work to continue.

Think about the missionaries we currently support in the field. They still have budgets and Bible studies, financial or estate planning questions, educational or organizational challenges. But they don’t have someone they can ask for advice.

We’re excited to partner with Switchboard who is  innovating around this topic of everyday believers bringing their skills, talents and experience to serve missionaries in the field and therefore furthering the Great Commission.

Sending organizations like Christar and Pioneers and NGOs like Justice Ventures International are realizing the benefit of having a virtual team through Switchboard who are ready to help missionaries around the world with tasks and planning, prayer and support, through one-hour conversations. 

However we need more volunteers willing to make themselves available and accessible; to use their God-given talents to help missionaries refocus their talents; to help make an impact on the Great Commission through a one-hour conversation. 

By creating a profile to become a Kingdom Consultant, you can specify your areas of experience, skill and expertise. There is a large catalog of areas ranging from business to tech with more areas continually being added.


  • For partnerships who God has brought, from sending organizations to strategic partners.
  • For the successful connections between everyday believers and missionaries that have led to longer-term mutually-beneficial relationships.
  • For a successful launch of the initial platform.


  • That God would bring us volunteers (kingdom consultants) to cover all specialties so that we can serve the needs of the missionaries.
  • That God would appoint the right Great Commission Organizations to participate in our launch so that we can provide value to them, bless the volunteers who serve and receive feedback to improve our platform.
  • God would provide wisdom and insight as we seek to form new partnerships  and grow our team.

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