Global Switchboard Conversation Guide

Global Switchboard Conversation Guide

Introduction Welcome to your Global Switchboard one-hour conversation! This guide aims to help Great Commission Organizations (GCOs) and Kingdom Consultants (KCs) have a fruitful dialogue that advances the Kingdom. Objectives for the Conversation The primary goal is...
The Great Commission Today

The Great Commission Today

Two thousand years ago, Jesus commissioned his disciple for ministry. That commission wasn’t just for them but for all who follow Jesus. But at the same time, it can be challenging to identify how to live it out in our current contexts. What does it mean to be part of...
A New Kind of Mission Trip

A New Kind of Mission Trip

The accessibility of air travel in the 20th century brought about what we know today as short-term missions.  But what the airplane did for missions in the past hundred years, the internet is doing today. An emerging shift. The internet has been around for a while,...
Make yourself available to the global body of Christ.

Make yourself available to the global body of Christ.

I want to introduce you to an opportunity to be available for the Great Commission impact. There are missionaries all over the world who need help but don’t know who to ask. They end up wearing too many hats trying to tackle the challenges life and ministry throw at...
Find Your Impact Workshop

Find Your Impact Workshop

Switchboard, a Christian non-profit software startup, has launched a platform that allows everyday believers to connect with missionaries in the field using their skills, talents and experience.  This workshop is a facilitated time to discover how we each have...