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Switchboard can connect you with Kingdom Consultants who bring their skills and experience to help move your mission forward.
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Build your ministry team

Through one hour consultations and ongoing Virtual Roles, you’ll be matched with a Kingdom Consultant to help you impact on the Kingdom of God.


Build distributed ministry teams

Ready to take the next step and level up your ministry? Imagine having all your critical roles filled. There are thousands of believers looking for Great Commission engagement opportunities.

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We’ll suggest matches based on your profile or request, but you get to choose your connections. You can always browse through what opportunities are available and make a connection.

See who wants to help

Kingdom Consultants are believers who are willing to be available to share their skills, talents and experience with the body of Christ.


Entrepreneur on call

Nick is a serial entrepreneur with experience as a marketing specialist. He’s making himself available to help GCOs around the world grow and thrive.

Ready to problem solve

Rachelle is a problem solver at heart and has worked in experience marketing and field marketing for large Fortune 500 companies, along with extensive event-related experience. She is making herself available to help GCOs design life-changing experiences.

Missions and business experience

Jared served in ministry overseas for three years and is now a management consultant focused on business process improvement, governance, change management, and decision analysis. He’s making himself available to help ministries around the world succeed.

Available marketing expert

Joel is passionate about all things entrepreneurial, business, marketing and technology, and he is making himself available to serve others to help grow the kingdom of God.

Ministry experience

Kat has volunteered in multiple ministry roles and wants to use her passion and experience to serve ministries around the world.

Software expertise available

Scott is a seasoned business software professional who loves helping Faith-minded organizations become more effective in pursuing the Great Commission.

Do you have ministry needs or challenges you would like help with?

See how Rachel leveraged four connections with Kingdom Consultants to move the mission forward.