Written by Tom Zimmerman

August 9, 2024


Kati is communications leader for Global Frontier Missions. On her off hours she lives her ministry to local Muslim refugees. I say “lives” because Kati has chosen to reside side-by-side in housing with her Muslim neighbors. Not some nearby neighborhood, but next to, above and below in the same complex.

Kati is highly skilled in her vocation as a communicator and marketer. Website content, articles and messaging are all part of her expertise. Still, Kati sees value in seeking collaborative input from other experienced professionals. She has recently worked with several volunteers – on different projects –  from Switchboard. The Switchboard platform exists specifically to connect skilled Believers with missional workers like Kati.

“I think everyone should ask for help!” Kati emphasizes.

“The Lord has helped fortify these volunteers with expertise. Receiving that help is the way for me to celebrate their skills. It requires me to ask for their input – to make our collaborative work better. This is not for me, Kati, this is for the Kingdom. My fingerprints are not on this, it’s God’s work. Somebody willing to help me with their gifts is God’s gift.”

Making her work product the best it can be is important. But Kati says there’s more to it than that.

“Most of my teammates work in some other form of outreach after hours – other people communities,” she explains. “So, we all benefit from time saved. The more help I get, the more thought energy and creativity I have to serve the community around me.”

Statistically, burnout is a common symptom of overworked, overstressed mission workers. Kati recognizes that pitfall, “Collaborating with skilled volunteers helps keep me effective, healthy and fruitful in both the ministries I serve.”

How does Kati help volunteers to know how to help her?

“It’s important to be specific,” Kati says of enlisting volunteer assistance. “Clear direction is key so I get back the appropriate amount of help. Too much information back and I can’t sift through it. But too little of substance – I’m not looking for ‘homework’ on YouTube – is not effective, either.”

She’s learning to develop realistic expectations. “I hope for volunteer outcomes that will fit well with our own marketing plan. After observing the expertise of a volunteer, I look for the best ways to tap into them. I asked one writer to first help me review a web page. Now that same person helps me with other content and messaging as well.”

Kati also sees that platforms like Google and Facebook are geared toward a secular world.

One Switchboard consultant helped her “mirror” the audience reach of a secular account, since Facebook blocks targeting audiences of specific spiritual belief. Another Switchboard consultant helped her more effectively measure click-through rates and ROI on Google.  

“Both times I came in with very specific questions, knowing I had done as much as I could on my own. Marketing is constantly evolving and it’s a challenge to keep up with the changing world.”

Has she received God’s Grace in other ways?

“It’s just fun to get to know more of these skilled people. It’s encouraging. It helps me to see God’s heart for the nations in all people’s lives. We’re all here for the same purpose – to further His kingdom.”

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

We are called…so are you!

Be encouraged in your work to advance the Kingdom. 

Matthew 28:18-20

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How do you know? When is it your time to volunteer with whatever skills or background God has prepared for you in advance?



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