
Written by Mitchell

September 12, 2023

Harness the Three-fold Potential of Kingdom Consultants: A Guide for GCOs

Hello, Great Commission Organizations. We trust you’re deeply engaged in your mission. Sometimes, this challenging work could benefit from extra layers of expertise or a fresh set of eyes. That’s where our Kingdom Consultants (KCs) come into play. In this article, we break down how KCs can assist in three pivotal areas:

  1. Mission: Direct support for the specific activities central to your organization’s goals.
  2. Organization: Strengthening the entity that facilitates your missional activities.
  3. Personal/Family: Empowering you and your family to increase resilience and impact.

The Value of Kingdom Consultants

KCs are skilled Christians offering one-hour virtual consultations to empower your ministry. They’re not just knowledgeable; they’re passionate about advancing the Great Commission through their specialized expertise.

Mission – Real Example: Missionary Perspective

Two stories separated by decades but are now connected. Rachel is working hard to combat human trafficking in Indonesia. The ministry is growing amidst many challenges. She was able to connect with Becky, who grew up cross-culturally and then lived in Indonesia for 12 years. Her experience allowed her to provide Rachel with mentoring and guidance for her NGO’s work in Indonesia through a one-hour connection.

Organization – Real Example: Project Management

Michelle had a pretty specific request. She was looking for some help with a tool inside Microsoft Office called Power Automate and wasn’t even sure if what she was trying to do was possible. By connecting with Kent, she was able to gain the insight she needed to streamline the process and save those in the ministry a lot of extra work.

Personal/Family – Real Example: Managing Work-Life Balance

Karen is about to move overseas and begin a new role. She wants to connect with a Kingdom Consultant who can help her navigate the transition. Kat, who has volunteered in multiple ministry roles, was able to help Karen take all those many details and break them down into attainable tasks, get a timeline set up, and then work the system.

The Next Step Is Yours

Kingdom Consultants are not just professionals; they share your dedication to the cause. Whether you need help in advancing your mission, streamlining your organization, or balancing your personal life, a Kingdom Consultant could be the answer. Take the initiative to connect today and see how your mission, organization, and personal life can flourish.

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