Global playbook :: How to best support missionaries in the field.

Written by Mitchell

September 5, 2023

Global playbook :: How to best support missionaries in the field.

We want to see missionaries thrive and the gospel go forth to the ends of the earth.

In this global playbook, you’ll find three strategies to leverage Switchboard to support missionaries sent from your church:

  • Share requests you hear from the field.
  • Invite your missionaries to sign up.
  • Build global ministry teams.

Share requests you hear from the field.

The Switchboard catalog is continually expanding to new topics and domains. Help us grow the catalog and meet the real needs in the field.

When a missionary your church supports shares a need, look to see if it’s included in the catalog. If it is, great! Encourage them to connect with someone to get the help they need. If it’s not, let us know.

We want to hear from you and collaborate together as the platform grows.

Invite your missionaries to sign up.

Serving in the field brings daily challenges, usually more than we can keep track of. This can make signing up for a platform feel like one more task to do at the bottom of a constantly growing list.

As a church committed to serving, you have a unique voice and opportunity to invite them. You know the challenges they face and the needs they have.

Look through the catalog and see what type of help would resonate most with them. Then connect with them, sharing how you want to help in this particular area and explaining how joining Switchboard can help.

Build global ministry teams.

Not every missionary is gifted for all the work their ministry requires.

Many have shared how they really wanted someone to help them communicate with donors, churches and other organizations stateside so they could devote their full attention to the local ministry.

What they want is a communications team.

Imagine if there were three people with skills in writing, social media and administration who knew they could work together and support a ministry serving the least of these on the other side of the world.

Now think about your congregation. Do you know someone with admin, writing or social media skills who would be willing to give a few hours a month to help a missionary?

What other teams might exist in your congregation? Here are some potential teams to consider:

  • Communication: writing, social media and administration
  • Finance: financial planner, accountant.
  • Fundraising: writing, graphic design, sales.
  • Business as mission: business coaches, marketing strategists, operations

Imagine the impact of these teams helping other ministries around the world thrive. How might God be calling your church to multiply your impact?

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