Written by Mitchell

November 8, 2023

GCO Dashboard

Hello Switchboard! We’re excited to introduce a plethora of updates that will make your experience even more engaging and intuitive. We’ve grouped our new features and improvements into two categories to help you quickly understand all the great things coming your way.

Breadcrumbs and Description Previews

Navigate like a pro! This update brings an enhanced navigation experience to the Switchboard catalog.

New Features:

  • Breadcrumbs for Easy Navigation: Quickly jump back to the catalog home or category pages from any specialty page.
  • Description Previews: Get a sneak peek at what each category and specialty has to offer with our new description previews.

GCO Dashboard

We’ve created a GCO Dashboard to offer you an at-a-glance summary of your requests and connections. No more bouncing back and forth between your email and Switchboard to figure out who you’re connected with, what you are trying to accomplish, and where you are at in the connection process!


New Features:

  • Pending Requests Overview: See pending requests and dive into each one for more details.
  • Connection Management: Easily review your active and past connections. You can now mark an active connection as complete or even share feedback about your experience.

Task Updates

  • Selected Time Data Fix: We’ve rectified the selected time data for accepted connections.
  • Default Page Behavior: We’ve made sure you’ll start at the top of the page for a more organized viewing experience.
  • Profile Pic upload fix: We’ve fixed an issue that caused a form step to not appear when a user uploaded a profile pic and tried to move on to the next step of onboarding.

We believe these updates will significantly enhance your Global Switchboard experience. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with your thoughts or questions. Happy Switchboarding!

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