Written by Tom Zimmerman

July 26, 2024


I’ll get right to the point of that wordplay. Agency and agency.

The biblical message of agency acknowledges God’s gift of our personal empowerment. To choose and act upon eternal matters as we individually seek the Savior. And, as Believers, we have agency to serve Jesus’ purpose of the *Great Commission:

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”

— Proverbs 16:3

Our Switchboard team took that to heart as we faced down a time-sensitive need for fresh videos.

Videos are the key content currency of today’s culture. That’s ironic, since I’m telling you this in a blog post. But video production can be expensive, especially if you hire… an agency.

I worked with, and hired, many marketing agencies for corporate video work during my professional career. The paid hours run up quickly for planning, scripting, videography, and production. Requires a hefty budget.

So instead of the agency route, a few of my Switchboard colleagues applied our God-given agency to do the work “in house.” Basically, applying the Switchboard model of connecting skilled volunteers for the work of the Kingdom. 

I drafted the scripts in Wisconsin. Heather, a former professional broadcaster, created a nice quiet ‘sound booth’ in her car for voiceovers… in her hot Texas garage. Perfect!  Thai, working 12 time zones away, did all the heavy lifting of graphics, animation, music and voiceover sync.  Fun, challenging, and inspiring. I hope your ministry teams will connect our volunteers on multi-dimensional, virtual projects in a similar fashion. 

Most importantly, we have three new sets of Switchboard messaging to share with you!

Switchboard Overview

“There is a new generation of Christian volunteers out there and they’re working from home.

Not just Z’s and Millennials, but X’rs and Boomers too.

The Switchboard online platform exists to connect global mission teams with this deep, wide talent pool of passionate Christian Believers.”

Watch the Switchboard Overview Video here.

Volunteers – Kingdom Consultants

“When mission organizations seek help that matches your volunteer skills and interests, you’ll receive an alert about the opportunity to serve. You can also browse a list of recurring, part-time Virtual Roles with ministries in over 100 countries. Your skills, your schedule.”

Watch the Kingdom Consultant Video here.

Missional Teams – Great Commission Organizations

“The Switchboard platform accomplishes all this in a powerful tool that we place directly into the hands of your global teams. There are predefined menus to connect them with experts for a one-hour consultation. Or, just describe your mission needs and Switchboard will promote it to our entire volunteer pool.”

Watch the Great Commission Organization Video here.

I hope you’ll watch and share the three new Switchboard messaging videos. It’s a great way to encourage effective use of your own resources. In our case, we applied agency, to avoid agency. 

Volunteerism is changing. Please consider these effective new ways to globally connect Believers as we all serve the purpose of the Great Commission. 

I am called…so are you!

Be encouraged in your work to advance the Kingdom. 

Matthew 28:18-20

Related Resources



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How do you know? When is it your time to volunteer with whatever skills or background God has prepared for you in advance?



Kati is the communications leader for Global Frontier Missions. On her off hours she lives her ministry to local Muslim refugees.

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