Connecting mission teams with skilled Believers across the world
Find your role in God’s global story
Mobilizing the 99%
Switchboard empowers Believers to answer their calling. Find meaningful impact in fulfilling the Great Commission.
You are called
You can open doors for the gospel
Kingdom Consultants
Kingdom Consultants(KCs) are believers who are willing to volunteer skills to serve the body of Christ.
Great Commission Organizations
A Great Commission Organization (GCO) is any organization or individual doing Great Commission work.
Take your place in the Great Commission. Mobilize your congregation to join the 1% making a difference.
Help us connect those willing to serve the great commission to missions oganizations globally.
What people are saying
We're all about you having a great experience connecting.
Who's connecting?
We're seeing connections across the globe on variety of topics.
IT help needed
Brent's ministry grew from having 3 computers to about 40, and was struggling with how to manage them. He reached out to a Kingdom Consultant to learn how he could tackle this challenge.
Seeking missionary mentorship
Rachel is working hard to combat human trafficking in Indonesia. The ministry is growing amidst many challenges. She wants to connect with a missionary who had served in the same area of the world and learn from their experience and perspective.
Breaking the work down
Karen is about to move overseas and begin a new role. She wants to connect with a Kingdom Consultant who can help her take all those many details and break them down into attainable tasks, get a timeline set up, and then work the system.
Fundraising plan help
Fin is leading in a ministry and wanted to connect with a Kingdom Consultant to help him make a fundraising plan.
Ministry experience
Kat has volunteered in multiple ministry roles and wants to use her passion and experience to serve ministries around the world.
Cyber security software questions
Pete serves with a ministry working in sensitive locations and wanted to talk with a cybersecurity expert to help him make sense of some of the software solutions they were considering.
Who we're working with
Switchboard is partnering globally with many organizations and churches.
What are we sharing
Switchboard is partnering globally with many organizations and churches.
(Press Release) Mobilize Remote Volunteers in Advancing the Great Commission
Four leading organizations dedicated to advancing the Great Commission are partnering to mobilize skilled virtual volunteers to support and enhance the work of field missionaries.
How do you know? When is it your time to volunteer with whatever skills or background God has prepared for you in advance?
How to Get Kingdom Consultant Help: A Step-by-Step Guide
Scott from Switchboard has exciting news for our Great Commission Organizations (GCOs). We’ve created a step-by-step guide in to help you get connected to Kingdom Consultants faster.
Kati is the communications leader for Global Frontier Missions. On her off hours she lives her ministry to local Muslim refugees.
With Switchboard’s three new videos we have exercised agency, and we have avoided agency.
“I think we all go through seasons. There were seasons in the past when making money to pay the bills had been my priority. But God…